Media release — following the successful screen-to-page comic book series DuckTales, Tangled: The series is IDW Publishing’s latest comic book series inspired by Disney Channel’s animated TV series of the same name, in collaboration with Disney Licensed Publishing, an imprint of Disney book Group, LLC.Tangled: The series is now available as an original graphic novel collection titled ‘Adventure is Calling.’ In the novel, Rapunzel will...

TOO much awesome stuff – NOT sufficient $$$ – APRIL ’10

This publish is Filed Under: Home page Highlights, Interviews as well as Columns by KC Carlson Superman #700 Trinity Anniversary DC somehow finagled their publishing routine to ensure that their huge 3 characters all have anniversary problems the exact same month – so look for Superman #700, Batman #700, as well as question lady #600. all of these are 56-page comics with a number of creators pitching in, as well as all three promise major...

COMICLIST: new COMIC book RELEASES list FOR 01/09/2019 (1 WEEK OUT)

ComicList: new Comic book Releases list for Wednesday, January 9, 2019. This work, a list of the comic books, graphic novels, and other products that ought to be available at your local or online comic book shop next week, is licensed under the creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 united states License, and is © 1995-2019 Charles S. LePage. This is the *preliminary* list and is not definitive. The final version will be...

VALIANT home entertainment prolonged forecast FOR 01/11/2017

updated shipping info for Valiant home entertainment comics as well as products being released beyond the week of 01/11/2017, offered by diamond distribution as well as our buddies at things From one more World. This work is licensed under the innovative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 united states License, as well as is © 1995-2017 Charles S. LePage. Remember, when you purchase any type of of these titles, whether right here...


This post is Filed Under: Home page Highlights, Interviews and Columns Beau ready for a brawl by beau Smith In part 1, beau told how he concerned write man Garnder: Warrior and how man became part Vuldarian. Now, the exciting conclusion. Like I said, I made man the last of his kind, part human, part Vuldarian, the greatest warrior of all. nobody in the DC universe was a better fighter… not even the sacred cow himself… Batman. I was so...


This post is Filed Under: Home page Highlights, Interviews and Columns Roger Ash by Roger Ash Since the spring convention season is in full swing with WonderCon a couple weeks ago, C2E2 this coming weekend, and countless other conventions in-between, I thought I’d write about one of the reasons I love going to conventions. I love getting convention sketches. one of the things that blew me away the first time I attended a convention was that I...

How marvel Comics have Taken Over the big screen

In 1996, the marvel Comics company was suffering. Although it had been one of the greatest names in pop culture throughout the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, the burst of the comic collecting bubble in the early to mid-90s saw enormous losses for the house of Ideas. service oversights and boardroom wars became the norm for the company, and that’s when owner Ron Perelman stepped in to make some sweeping changes. His acquisitions, costing over $700...


This publish is Filed Under: Home page Highlights, Interviews as well as Columns Roger Ash by Roger Ash From the title of this column you may believe I’ve got a strike to the head as well as forgotten all the fantastic traditional strip reprint collections being published now such as Peanuts, Krazy Kat, as well as Popeye from Fantagraphics as well as X-9: trick agent Corrigan, Bloom County, as well as Blondie from The library of American...

SDCC announcement – DYNAMITE entertainment and TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX consumer products announce UPCOMING BOB’S BURGERS COMIC book series

This post is Filed Under: Home page Highlights, Press release Bob’s Burgers July 17, 2013, Mt. Laurel, NJ:  Dynamite entertainment is proud to announce a partnership with Twentieth Century Fox consumer products to develop comic book series content based on the popular cartoon series, Bob’s Burgers.  An animated comedy, with new episodes debuting Sunday nights in September on FOX, Bob’s Burgers features a unique visual style in...